Studio room services apartment available for rent location in Tonle Bassac .
This apartment Surrounded by Restaurants , Clothes shop , Banks , Coffee shops , Super market and other Businesses .
Asking prices $450
- 1 Bedroom
- 1 bathroom
- Size 41 sqm
- Services Included:
- Cable TV
- Security 24h
- Water 5$ per person/per month
- Electric 0.25$ per kWh
- Cleaning service twice a week
- Emergency exit
- Fire Alarm
- Air conditioners
- Flat Screen TV with cable connection
- Wardrobe
- Bedsheets
- Bedside tables
- Fridge
- Sofa
- Dinning Table
- Washing Machine
- Microwave
- Gas stove
- Cabinet
- Gym , Swimming Pool (Best View in Town)
- Parking (Bike & Motorbike)
If you are interested in this property then book a viewing today!
Contact: +855 15 455 204 / +855 92197711